Latin Insults: Make Nouns and Adjectives Agree
It is a well-known fact that everyone sounds smarter in
Latin. Even your insults will carry
greater weight if you say them in Latin.
Simply pick one adjective from column A, one from B, and add to noun of
your choice in Column C.
Insults may be phrased as Tu es… (You are)
Tua mater est (Your mother is...)
Note: : Latin
adjectives take the same gender as the noun they describe. If someone is a big pig, then that person is
a magnus porcus but if they are a big
beast then they are a magna bestia
but if they are a big turnip, then use magnum
rapum. Some animal words can be
either masculine or feminine. In that
case, use the gender of the person being insulted to determine the gender of
the noun and make the adjective match accordingly.
Column A(adjectives)
Column B (adjectives) Column C (nouns)
Magnus, a, um (large)
curvatus, a, um(crooked) porcus (pig)
Indoctus, a, um (ignorant)
inurbanus, a, um (uncool) saxum
Hirsutus, a, um (hairy) olidus,
a, um (smelly) matella (chamber pot)
Timidus, a, um(cowardly) stultus,
a, um (stupid) bestia (beast)
Foedus, a, um (ugly) ineptus,
a, um (clumsy) rusticus (peasant)
Tardus, a, um (slow) calvus,
a, um (bald) saccus stercoris (sack of manure) Mucosus, a, um (slimy) insanus,
a, um (crazy) piscis
(M fish)
Ignavus, a, um (lazy) sordidus,
a, um (dirty)
asinus (donkey)
Vanus, a, um (vain) antiquus,
a, um (old) cumulus sordum (M pile of dirt)
Molestus, a, um (annoying) purpureus,
a, um (purple) simius (ape)
Caecus (blind) surdus, a, um (deaf) caper (M goat)
Barbarus, a, um (weird)
nudus, a, um (naked) bos (M/F)(ox)
Avarus, a, um (greedy) putridus,
a, um (rotten) canis (M/F dog)
Aeger,ra, um (sick) languidus,
a, um (apathetic) saga (witch)
Fractus, a, um (broken) vacuus,
a,um (empty) verruca
Improbus, a, um (dishonest) fatuus,
a,um (foolish) glaeba (lump)
Ebrius, a, um (drunken)
sonivus, a,um (noisy) culex
(M gnat)
simulator (M hypocrite)
rapum (turnip)
senex (M crony)
infans(M/F baby)
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