
Showing posts from October 15, 2017

Latin Pronunciation Guide

Latin Pronunciation Guide Lindzey

Roman Slavery: Ecce Romani

In the culture section of chapter 06 of Ecce Romani we are introduced to Roman slavery with the purchase of the slave Davus. Chapter 07 contains more information about slaves on large Roman farms. Page 37 Ecce Romani Page 45 Ecce Romani

Mica Mica Parva Stella

Vocabulary: mica = command form of micare , to shine, flash, twinkle (adMIRe) stella, stellae f. = star  (conSTELLAtion; STELLAr) parvus, parva, parvum (adjective) little, small mirror = I wonder tam (adverb) = so bella = beautiful alba = white, bright, bright white gemma, gemmae f.  = gem, jewel, diamond caelum, i n. sky, heavens  (celestial, ceiling)

10/19/2017 Latin Case System Video and Notes

We watched and took notes on this Latin Tutorial Video. Latin Case System by Latin Tutorial Key concepts   There are FIVE families of nouns in Latin. These families are called DECLENSIONS Nouns belonging to the same DECLENSION have the same endings. Noun endings are added to the noun stem. The noun stem is determined by removing the genitive ending from the genitive (possessive) form of the noun. In a Latin dictionary nouns appear with the nominative form, the genitive form and the gender (m, f. n.: masculine, feminine, neuter). You have to memorize the genitive form.  There are five main categories of noun endings. (See your color printed noun chart in your interactive notebook.) NOMINATIVE- subject GENITIVE - possession DATIVE- indirect object ACCUSATIVE - direct object ABLATIVE -(often) the object of a preposition These categories are called  CASES CASES  tell you what role the noun is doing in a sentence: Is it the subject of the verb? I...

New Codes for Quizizz Exercises Due Week of October 16

Ask your students to join game with this code at Ecce Romani 6  (15 Questions)  388435 05 Chapter Ecce Romani  316337 Ecce 3d Correct endings. Complete nouns, adjective & verbs.  941121 Ecce Romani #4 Vocab  265509 Quizes must be completed by 5:30 pm October 21

Remind Codes: Get text reminders on your phone

Note: I cannot see any phone numbers used to sign on to Remind. remind: Want reminders of homework or upcoming quizzes? Latin Period 01 text @279c29 to the number 81010.  Or you can go to  You should receive a welcome text from Remind. If anyone has trouble with 81010, they can try texting @279c29 to (336) 923-7910 ·          Latin Period 02 : Or join with the text @966h8a to the number 81010. ·          Latin Period 03 : 03lat. Or join with the text 03lat to the number 81010

Uses of the Infinitive Latintutorial: Subjective, Objective and COMPLEMENTARY-Notes for Interactive Notebook

  WARM-UP        Uses of the Infinitive I Take notes on this video in your interactive notebook. Date your notes 10/18/2017 PRACTICE WITH COMPLEMENTARY INFINITIVES PRACTICE WITH INFINITIVES AND IMPERSONAL VERBS

Basic Grammar: Identifying the parts of a sentence

In reading your homework and classwork done while I was away, it became clear that some of you do not easily recognize nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, conjunctions and prepositions. The Activity Book exercises often ask you to identify parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, etc.) and their function in a sentence (subject, direct object, indirect object, object of a preposition, prepositional phrase, transitive, intransitive verb; command forms, infinitive forms, etc.). Here is a handout on the parts of speech, which are the same in Latin and English. Parts of Speech The Basics Videos by Latintutorial: Basic English Grammar Part I Basic English Grammar Part II Latin Sentence Structure Latin Case System (nominative = subject, genitive = possession, dative = indirect object, accusative = direct object, ablative = object of a preposition and other things, vocative = direct address) Introduction to Latin Infinitive Latin Infinitive Part I: Complementary Infinitive

October 16 Lesson Plan Vocabulary Infinitives Exercise Chapter 06

Kahoot: Chapter 6 Ecce Romani Vocabulary Warm up: Review Vocabulary for Chapter 6 Kahoot Ecce Romani Chapter 6 Complementary Infinitives and Infinitives with Impersonal Verbs Early in the Day Dictation with vocabulary for Chapter 6 Ecce Romani Chapter 6 Vocabulary and Grammar Exercise

06 Chapter Activity 6j Vocabulary and Grammar Quiz ANSWER KEY

Date     10-16-2017 Activity 6j -Quiz    Look at the new vocabulary beneath this story. Then read the story, noting noun-adject i v e pairs and infinitive s . Then define the vocabulary words. Davus   i s Tired Nondum lucet , sed Davus et alii servi et ancillae iam surgunt . Brevi tempore ancillae cibum coquere et magnam villam curare paran t . Multi servi e villa ad agros ambulant ubi strenue laborare parant. In agris sunt magni boves et multae oves . Alii servi aquam in villam portant. Davus tamen in agris non laborat quod hortum purgare necesse est . Davus in hortum ambulat et gemit quod statua adhuc in piscina est. Necesse est strenue laborare.   · Davus non sedet quod Aureliam et Cornelium timet . Piscinam purgare parat , sed mox sedet quod est defessus . Audit Aureliam, quae prope hortum est. Aurelia Davum ignavum con...

Google folder with Interactive Notebook Handouts

Google folder with Interactive Notebook Handouts

Important Links

Important Links Class work, homework, handouts and announcements can be found at our class blog . You should check this everyday: Latin Grammar tutorials for Ecce Romani I: You can also get to these videos through our Latin blog: Longer videos on reading, grammar and derivatives for each chapter can be found on the blog. Here is the url : Quizlet Vocabulary Sets for Ecce Romani I: Go here: ets; join the Class or create a user name and password for quizlet. This way you get credit for every time you practice. All Ecce Romani vocabulary are in one of the folders listed on the left. You can also get here by searching ...

Quizizz Homework Assignments for Week of October 16

Log onto Quizizz: First Words in Latin Quiz: code 857605 Ecce Romani Chapter 3d. Code 068129. Ecce Romani Chapter 5 Vocabulary: code 635973. Ecce Romani Chapter 6: code  471647 These assignments are either due Tuesday or Wednesday evening .

Beatles' Song Vale Salve

Beatles Vale Salve Song Dicis vale. Et dico salve. Beatles.   Dicis sic. Dico non Dicis desiste Et dico i, i, i O non! Dicis vale. Et dico salve. Salve, salve, salve Non scio cur dicas vale. Dico salve. Salve salve Non scio cur dicas vale. Dico salve. Dico sublimis Dicis humilis Dicis cur. Et dico non scio O non Dicis vale. Et dico salve. Salve, salve, salve Non scio cur dicas vale. Dico salve. Salve, salve Non scio cur dicas vale. Dico salve. Dicis vale, vale O non Dicis vale. Et dico salve.