06 Chapter Activity 6j Vocabulary and Grammar Quiz ANSWER KEY
Date 10-16-2017
Activity 6j -Quiz
Look at the new vocabulary beneath
this story. Then read the story,
noting noun-adjective pairs and infinitives. Then define the
vocabulary words.
is Tired
Nondum lucet, sed Davus et alii servi et ancillae iam surgunt. Brevi tempore ancillae cibum coquere et magnam villam curare parant.
Multi servi
e villa ad agros ambulant ubi strenue laborare
parant. In agris sunt magni boves
et multae oves. Alii servi aquam
in villam portant. Davus tamen in agris non laborat quod hortum purgare necesse est.
Davus in hortum ambulat et gemit quod statua adhuc in piscina est. Necesse est strenue laborare. ·
Davus non sedet quod Aureliam et Cornelium timet. Piscinam
purgare parat, sed mox
sedet quod est defessus. Audit Aureliam, quae prope hortum est. Aurelia Davum ignavum conspicit.
"Cave, Dave," Aurelia irata clamat.
"Tempus est laborare!"
Subito Davus Cornelium audit, qui in villa clamat, "Ubi est Davus? Dormitne?"
Davus gemit et surgit quod Cornelium
iratum timet.
alii, other . boves, oxen oves, sheep
1. nondum not yet
2. lucet it is light, it is day
3. ancilla,
-ae f. slave/servant woman
4. iam now
5. surgunt they get up
6. cibus, i
m. food
7. coquere to cook (infinitive)
8. curare to look after, to take care of
9. e villa from/out of the
10. ubi where
11. parant they prepare, they get ready
12. multae
oves f. many sheep
13. magni
boves m. large cows
Rewrite the sentences below so that they are correct. Use
the story as a guide. The errors are with nouns and adjectives that do not
agree with each other. Cave! (Watch out!): the adjectives may not be right next
to the nouns they modify. I helped you out with the first sentence, putting the
noun-adjective pair in bold. Then translate your corrected sentence
1. Magnae
ancillae villam curare parant. Magnam ancillae villam curare parant.
The slave
women prepare to take care of the villa.
2. Ad agros
multos servi e villa ambulant. Ad
agros multi servi e villa ambulant.
slaves/servants are walking out of the villa toward the fields.
3. Multi oves et magnae boves in agris sunt. Multae
oves et magni boves in
agris sunt.
oves is feminine, boves is
Many sheep and large cows are
in the fields.
4. Davum ignava Aurelia conspicit. Davum
ignavum Aurelia conspicit.
Aurelia catches sight of lazy Davus.
5. Cornelium iratus Davus timet. Cornelium iratum
Davus timet.
Davus fears an angry Cornelius.
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