02 October Questions on Latin Tutorial Videos 2 & 3 in Blendspace: Basic English Grammar I & 2

Questions on Latin Tutorials 2 & 3 in Blendspace (https://www.tes.com/lessons/VkpptHoDBFUOjQ/latin-tutorial-videos)
See Following post for answers.

Students should write these questions in their composition books as part of the warm-up. Then view the videos.  Students should take 5-7 minutes to complete any unfinished answers. Then teacher calls on different students to say their answers.
sine qua non =

  1. What part of speech is the motor of a sentence?
  2. What part of speech expresses actions or states of being/
  3. Why do you need a noun in every sentence?
  4. What part of speech is a word that describes or is "attached to" a noun?  Give three examples of this part of speech.
  5. What part of speech describes the action of verbs?  Give three examples.
  6. A preposition followed by a noun is called a __________   ____________.  Give three examples.
  7. When a noun brings the action of the verb to another noun, the verb is __________.
  8. Verbs that do not transfer the action to another noun are ___________.
  9. The doer of the action of a verb is the _________ of the sentence. It is usually a noun.
  10. A noun that receives the action of the verbs is a __________  ____________. 
  11. What is the basic difference between intransitive and transitive verbs?
  12. True/False
  13. All verbs have a subject (a controler or doer) of the verb's action.
  14. Verbs that take a direct object are called transitive verbs.
  15. Verbs that do not have a direct object are called intransitive verbs.
  16. Linking verbs (example: is) act like an equal sign (=).


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