04 October Interactive Notebook Work: Chapter 05 Exercise 5b page 26

Write out the Latin sentences in Exercise 5b, supplying the correct subject or direct object. Then translate the sentence.

KEY to this exercise is on the next  page of this post. Go over correct answers with students so they can correct any errors in their work.  Do this briskly. If students have not finished answering exercise questions they may use the key to fill in what they missed as homework.

Blog url: https://newbernhighschoollatin.blogspot.com/


1. Hodie Sextus arborem (DO) ascendit.  Today Sextus climbs a tree.

2. Sextus Marcum (DO) conspicit.  Sextus catches sight of Marcus.

3. Nihil Sextum (DO) terret.  Nothing frightens Sextus.

4. Lupum (DO) puellae conspiciunt.  The girls catch sight of the wolf.

5. Pueri clamorem (DO) audiunt.   The boys hear the noise.

6. Sextum (DO) lupus terret.  The wolf frightened Sextus.

7. Puellae Marcum (DO) laetae excipiunt.  The happy girls welcome Marcus.

8. Hodie Davum (DO) pueri non vexant.  Today the boys are not annoying Davus.
