02 October. Answers to Questions on Latin Tutorials 2 & 3 in Blendspace

sine qua non = “without which nothing” = a basic necessity

  1. What part of speech is the motor of a sentence? verb
  2. What part of speech expresses actions or states of being? verb
  3. Why do you need a noun in every sentence? Because something has to be doing the action of the verb.
  4. What part of speech is a word that describes or is "attached to" a noun?  Give three examples of this part of speech. adjective
  5. What part of speech describes the action of verbs?  Give three examples. Adverb. Examples: quickly, slowly, eagerly...
  6. A preposition followed by a noun is called a prepositional phrase     Give three examples. Toward the villa, in the water, out of the woods, under the table, inside the box...
  7. When a noun brings the action of the verb to another noun, the verb is transitive.
  8. Verbs that do not transfer the action to another noun are intransitive.
  9. The doer of the action of a verb is the subject of the sentence. It is usually a noun.
  10. A noun that receives the action of the verbs is a direct object.
  11. What is the basic difference between intransitive and transitive verbs? Transitive verbs take a direct object. Intransitive verbs do not.

True/False (all answers are true)

  1. All verbs have a subject (a controller or doer) of the verb's action.
  2. Verbs that take a direct object are called transitive verbs.
  3. Verbs that do not have a direct object are called intransitive verbs.
  4. Linking verbs (example: is) act like an equal sign (=).


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