October 10: Interactive Notebook Check

Notebook Check.

Here are all the materials you should have in your interactive journal.  Please record these items in your table of contents if you haven’t already and add all handouts that you have not glued into your notebooks yet.  If you missed a day consult with a classmate to fill in your gaps. The blog also gives useful materials and instructions for the past two weeks.  CRUCIAL: Date your work!

1. Table of contents
2. Links to important websites (half sheet) Add this link:  https://newbernhighschoollatin.blogspot.com/
3. Interactive workbook Check list (half sheet)
4. First Words in Latin (purple sheet)
5. Humanum corpus (sheet with cartoons from textbook Forum)
6. Humanum Corpus: labeled sheet with body, face, and internal organs
7.  9/11 Imperative verb formation. Notes from page 74 in Ecce Romani.
8. 10/10 Look at Humanum corpus (sheet with cartoons from textbook Forum). Copy all imperative verbs in the left-hand column (small print) and translate. The images should help you. NOTE: THIS CAN GO ON YOUR FIRST BLANK PAGE IF THERE IS NO ROOM IN YOUR NOTE BOOK AFTER IMPERATIVE VERB FORMATION.
9. 9/12 Latin Connections. Latin in contemporary films: Maleficent, Inception, Conspiracy, Divergent, Finding Nemo.  Male (bad) + facere (to do) = an evil doer.  Fac and fic are roots for “to do.”  Inception: incipio, incipere, incepi, inceptus = to begin.  Inceptus = a beginning, beginning an undertaking.  Conspiracy:  con (= cum= with, together) + spiro, spirare (to breath, to whisper) = to breath or whisper together.  Nemo = no one.
10. 9/12  Daily vocabulary. Words naming parts of the face.
11. 9/13. Latin Connections. Latin on the dollar bill.  Words with translation.
12. 9/13  Daily vocabulary. Words about the body with derivatives: brachium, pectus, manus, digitus etc.
13. 9/13. Handout from Forum II 1) RES (classroom objects: liber, calamus, mensa, etc).  Forum Exercitio II MOTUS (motions).
14. Making a poster of the body. Group project: Identify members of your group and describe your process of making the poster. Who did what and why. Why did you choose certain materials? What words did you include on your poster?
14. 9/14. Daily vocabulary: Organs of the body. Ask for help from a classmate if you missed this day.
15. Word within the Word: Derivatives (Handout).  Task: define the derivatives of “scribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptus” – to write, given at the bottom of the handout. Use the online Merriam Webster Dictionary or the Online Etymological Dictionary to give English definitions of these words. STUDENTS HAVE NOT DONE THIS YET.  It does not matter where you put this in your notebooks as long as the page number appears in your table of contents.
16. Chapter 2 Ecce Romani: A Summer Afternoon.  Read the Latin text. Copy the vocabulary for this reading from the book. Do Exercise b and c (Handout).  2c is a translation exercise which no one seems to have done yet.
17.  Ecce Romani, Chapter 2 pages 10-11. “A Roman Family.” Read and record notes. Include names of family members in this book including the Greek slave Eucleides; then the names of figures mentioned in the history section, beginning at paragraph two.  Identify: Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, Carthaginians, Punic and Punic Wars, historical figure of Cornelia, mother of Gracchi brothers. Where was Carthage?
18. Image(handout)  of family in their best clothing. Identify Latin names for what they are wearing using text on page17 of textbook “Dress.”  Toga, tunica, toga praetextus, toga virilis, stola, palla, bulla.
19. Activity book exercises: 2d (English to Latin) “Cornelia et Flavia…” Write English and Latin.
20 Activity book exercise 2c.
21. Two TedEd videos – take notes. Reflect. Write a personal response.
                a.  A Glimpse into the Life of a Teenage Roman Boy
                b. Four Sisters of Ancient Rome
22. Chapter 3 Ecce Romani: In the Garden.  Daily vocabulary. Record vocabulary list for Chapter 3.
23. Chapter 3 Activity Book exercises: 3e, 3f, and 3g.
24. Roman History Readings, from Word within a Word. Take notes and define unfamiliar terms. For example: Sabines, Latium, Tusculum, etc.
25. Chapter 4. “A Mischief Maker Daily Latin Words. Copy vocabulary words for Chapter 4 into notebook.
26. Chapter 4. Activity Book Exercises: 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e, 4f, 4g, and 4h.
27. Translate reading on page 19 “A Mischief Maker.”
28. 9/29 page 20-21 Building the meaning. Take notes on Direct Objects and the Ending -m; and on Transitive and Intransitive verbs.
29. 10/2. Grammar questions based on pages 20-21 in Ecce Romani (handout, in blog). Verbs, nouns, transitive, intransitive, subjects, direct objects and prepositional phrases.
30. Word Study pages 22-23. Read, take notes do Excerise 3. Use online dictionaries: Merriam Webster and/or Online Etymological Dictionary. ONLY SOME STUDENT APPEAR TO HAVE DONE THIS.
31.10/3 Chapter 5 Ecce Romani “Marcus to the Rescue.”  Copy all vocabulary into interactive journal. Note that most words are on page 25 but three are on 26: excipient, adhuc, timet.
32. 10/3.  Exercise 5b and then Vinco sheet.
33. Ecce Romani Chapter 5: Aeneas (pages 28-29). Note the date in the upper left corner: The time of the setting of the story was around 1184. The abbreviation “ca” stands for the Latin “circa” about, around, approximately.  Errores Aeneae means “The Wanderings of Aeneas.”  Read, take notes, identify persons (a blog entry lists these).
34.  Watch/listen to YouTube lecture on “The Basic Background of Vergil’s Aeneid” (21 minutes). Note that Vergil is spelled with and “e” not Virgil. Take notes and write your own response. How much of this did you know? What questions do you have?  Why do you think the Romans wanted to connect their own early history and foundation myths to the Greek stories attributed to Homer, the Iliad and the Odyssey?
34. Translate “Marcus to the Rescue” pages 25-26.


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