Sub instructions

I am in great pain today and can't make it in. Was up most of the night.

Begin class with a matching quiz on half sheets of paper on the vocabulary for Chapter 7. Copies on desk at front of room.  

We are still doing a unit on Roman slavery. 

I am attaching a film viewing guide, which has already been distributed to the students. The classes have viewed the film to about the intermission point. Between 1;20 and 1;40.  Each class can tell whomever is showing the film how far they got.  The film, Spartacus, is three hours long, so there is no danger of finishing it. Please have students review the study guide before showing the film.

I left the tab open on my computer that takes you to my Amazon Prime account. I own the film Spartacus. If by chance the log on needs to be re-entered and the computer does not supply the information automatically, ...
All necessary materials are on the desk at the front of the room. These are also in the class blog newbernhighschoollatin, which is also open in a tab on the computer.

If something goes wrong with with showing the film. The students have a set of articles and primary sources to read in Blendspace. This is also open on a tab on my computer. The url is: is a set of instructions on the desk at the front of the room and a rubric (copy included here).  The students can read these articles on computers or borrow for the class hard copies that are also on the desk at the front of the room. Blendspace does not work well on phones: only show.  first page of articles. So they need to use computers or hard copies.

End whatever the class is doing 10 minutes before end of class time and ask the students to prepare their interactive notebooks to turn in. Take these up at the end of class.

Thank you for your help.


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